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Starna® UHV Stopcock

UHV Stopcock cells Angebotsanfrage

Fernes UV Quarz Q = Fernes UV Quarz 170 - 2700nm Pathlengths available: 10, 20, 50 mm
High vacuum patented stopcock, PTFE threaded, for perssure up to 5 bar
Notes: Stopcock can be fused to most quartz cells.  All cells will withstand evacuation >10 Tor

Externe Side Arm Remarks
Weite Länge Höhe I.D O.D Length
Nr mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ,
700/1/Q 10 12.5 12.5 135/150 10 13 50 Macro
700/3/Q 10 12.5 12.5 135/150 10 13 50 Fluorimeter
700/9/Q 10 12.5 12.5 135/150 10 13 50 Semi micro
700/18/Q 10 12.5 12.5 135/150 10 13 50 Micro
700/35/Q 50 50 54.0 135/150 10 13 50 Cylindrical
700/35/Q 100 50 104.0 135/150 10 13 50 Cylindrical
700/37/Q 10 22 12.5 115/130 10 13 50 Cylindrical
700/37/Q 20 22 22.5 115/130 10 13 50 Cylindrical
700/37/Q 40 22 42.5 115/130 10 13 50 Cylindrical
700/37/Q 50 22 52.5 115/130 10 13 50 Cylindrical
700/37/Q 100 22 102.5 115/130 10 13 50 Cylindrical

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