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Starna® Dye laser

Dye laser Cells Quartz Q = Far UV Quartz 170 - 2700nm
 Pathlengths available:10, 20, 40 mm
 Dye laser cells are manufactured
    with a surface flatness extending to
    the extreme edge of the cell.
Usage note: whilst many of the florescent type cells supplied by us may be used for laser applications,
     dye laser cells are polished to a more exacting standard
Starna Typ Glas-
Externe Interne Nominal
Weite Länge Höhe Weite Länge
Nr erhältich in mm mm mm mm mm mm ml
300/3/ST Q 10 12.5 12.5 45 10 10 3.500
300/3 Q 10 12.5 12.5 45 10 10 3.500
300/23 Q 10 12.5 12.5 48 10 10 3.500
300/29-F Q 10 12.5 12.5 48 4 10 1.400
300/28.05 Q 10 12.5 12.5 48 0.5 10 0.175
300/28.1 Q 10 12.5 12.5 48 1 10 0.350
300/28 Q 10 12.5 12.5 48 2 10 0.700
300 Q 20 26 26 40 20 20 12.000
300 Q 40 26 46 40 20 40 24.000

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