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Starna® Durchflußküvetten, Type 75.1-V Micro, sub micro round aperture Vacuum / debubbler

Fernes UV Quarz Q = Fernes UV Quarz 170 - 2700nm
Two Clear windows
Pathlengths 10 mm
Available 'Z' 8.5,& 15 mm
Z-Abmessungen Angebotsanfrage

Fully masked cell with round aperture, Bore specially treated to reduce bubble formation
Designed for use in spectrophotometers with a small collimated or focused beam
"Z" dimension is critical as the cell sample compartment must be correctly aligned in the
    instrument light beam, see chart below
Connections:Tubulations intended for push on flexible tubeing, 3rd outlet debubbler tube

Starna Typ Material
Schicht-dicke Externe Sample Chamber 'Z' Dimension Nominal Volume
Weite Länge Höhe Durchm Länge
Nr   mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ml
75.1V Q 10 12.5 12.5 38.5 2 10 8.5 0.008
75.2V Q 10 12.5 12.5 38.5 2 10 8.5 0.040
75.1V Q 10 12.5 12.5 45 2 10 15 0.008
75.2V Q 10 12.5 12.5 45 2 10 15 0.040

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