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Starna® Durchflußküvetten, Type 585.3 round aperture

Optisches Spezialglas SOG =Optisches Spezialglas 320 - 2500nm
Fernes UV Quarz Q= Fernes UV Quarz 170 - 2700nm
Two Clear windows
Path lengths10, 20, 40, 50, 100 mm
'Z' dimensions: 8.5,15 & 20mm
M6 screw Connectors (see accessories for spares)
Designed for use in spectrophotometers      with a small collimated or focused beam
Z-Abmessungen Angebotsanfrage
"Z" dimension is critical as the cell sample compartment must be correctly aligned
    in the instrument light beam, see chart below
Fully masked cell with round aperture, dimensions see charts below, optimized for
      the best flow characteristics for instruments with a narrow beam geometry
Starna Typ Glas-
Externe Sample Chamber 'Z' Dimension Nominal Volume
Weite Länge Höhe Durchm Länge
Nr   mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ml
585.3 SOG/Q 10 12.5 12.5 45 3 10 8.5, 15, 20 0.070
585.3 SOG/Q 20 12.5 12.5 38.5 3 20 8.5, 15, 20 0.140
585.3 SOG/Q 40 12.5 12.5 38.5 3 40 8.5, 15, 20 0.280
585.3 SOG/Q 50 12.5 12.5 38.5 3 50 8.5, 15, 20 0.350
585.3 SOG/Q 100 12.5 12.5 38.5 3 100 8.5, 15, 20 0.700

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