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Starna® Zylindrische Küvetten, Short Schicht-dicke with Graded seal

Zylindrische Küvetten, Short Schicht-dicke with Graded seal
Fernes UV Quarz Q = Fernes UV Quarz 170 - 2700nm
Nahes Infrarot Quarz I = Nahes Infrarot Quarz 220 3800nm
Pathlengths 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100mm
Two Clear windows:
22mm diameter cell with tube, Quartz to Borofloat
     graded seal (GS)
Fill tube: Dimensions Customisable on request
     70mm long, 4.0mm OD, 2mm ID

Starna Type Glas
Schicht-dicke Externe Internal Nom
Diameter Länge Diameter Länge
No erhältich in mm mm mm mm mm ml Fenster
37/GS Q/I 1 22 3.5 19 1 0.28 2
37/GS Q/I 2 22 4.5 19 2 0.56 2
37/GS Q/I 5 22 7.5 19 5 1.40 2
37/GS Q/I 10 22 12.5 19 10 2.80 2
37/GS Q/I 20 22 22.5 19 20 5.60 2
37/GS Q/I 50 22 52.5 19 50 14.00 2
37/GS Q/I 100 22 102.5 19 100 28.00 2

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